The short answer is no. Bonaire's average rainfall is about 20.5 inches, with 65% occurring during the "rainy" season from October through January. This is 11% less rain per year than Curacao, but 13% more than Aruba.
The fact that Bonaire is located just 22 degrees above the equator, also plays a role in why so little precipitation is present. The other contributing factor is a steady wind from the east that blows over the island most of the year (with October known for lesser winds, and even occasional wind direction reversals).
Although, this area of the Caribbean islands experiences a brush with a major tropical storm system every 7 years or so, it sees a direct hurricane strike only once every 27 years on average. The last major hurricane to come near Bonaire was Hurricane Felix in the September of 2007, where only minor flooding occurred.
The famous coral reefs and welcoming weather in Bonaire provides an ideal tourist attraction and a warm place to enjoy your vacation.
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